Daily Crave

Here is another way to earn Swagbucks easily every day. It’s called the Daily Crave and can be done, as you can tell by the name, each and every day for a quick SB.

You can find it in the left sidebar by the Swagbucks Daily Poll and Daily Offers in the “To Do List”. Together with downloading the SB Toolbar (which automatically earns you 1 SB every day), these are all things that should be first on your list every day you log in to Swagbucks.com as it is an easy 5 SB’s altogether. It isn’t much, I know, but if you’re earning $0.05 every day from these simple activities, over the course of a year that can be a simple $18.25 that you didn’t have in your pocket before.

Click the image below to join Swagbucks!

swagbucks rewards

See the screenshot below for the location indicated with a red arrow. It’s pretty easy to find.

Where to Find the Swagbucks Daily Crave

Earn Swagbucks with Daily Crave

Once you get there it will pull up a couple items that you need to sit through. They’re usually either videos or articles. There will be a countdown timer in the upper-left in the screen, I think counting down from around 30 seconds. Once the first timer is done, click either of the two options (i.e. “Not for Me”) and then it will load the second item and the timer restarts. Once the timer is down to zero again, click one of the two options and you’re done! It will give you a congratulations and award you 1 Swagbuck.

Is the Daily Crave part of your daily routine to earn Swagbucks? Comment below if you’re a fan of these daily tasks and have added them to your to-do when you log on. If you don’t already do this, now is the time to start! It doesn’t get any easier to building your SB balance and cashing out some gift cards at great retailers.

Click the image below to join Swagbucks and start earning now!

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